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Showing posts from March, 2013

Creating Mailing Labels in SQL Server Reporting Services

Most word processing applications (Word, WordPerfect, and so on) provide the capability to create a “mail merge” from which to generate mailing labels in different formats and layouts. Mailing labels are an automated way to generate the address labels for a large number of envelopes or parcels that need to be mailed. Reporting Services provides a few features that allow you to create mailing labels in different formats - the only thing you need to know are the exact dimensions of the label template you are targeting when printing. A common mailing label format is to use multiple columns (newspaper layout) in order to maximize the number of labels printed. This recipe shows you how to leverage Reporting Services’ multi-column layout features to create basic mailing labels, while explaining certain limitations in the rendering engine. Product Versions All versions (examples provided in Reporting Services 2008) What You’ll Need AdventureWorksDW2008